Бонус - Альтернативные версии сценариев


Список всех версий сценариев:

  1. 12C1
  2. 12C3
  3. 14C1
  4. 14C1(RU)
  5. 14C1(RU2)
  6. 14C3
  7. 15C1
  8. 15C1(2)
  9. 15C1(3)
  10. 15C1(4)
  11. 15C1(5)
  12. 15C1(RU)
  13. 15C1(RU2)
  14. 16C1
  15. 16C1(2)
  16. 16C1(RU)
  17. 16C1(RU2)
  18. 16C1(RU3)
  19. 16C1(RU4)
  20. 16C1(RU5)
  21. 17C1
  22. 17C1(2)
  23. 17C1(3)
  24. 17C1(4)
  25. 17C1(5)
  26. 17C1(6)
  27. 17C1(RU)
  28. 17C1(RU2)
  29. 18C1


В чемпионате Global Management Challenge организаторы ежегодно выпускают 1-2 (чаще 1, чем 2) новых игровых сценариев. Каждый из сценариев содержит в себе уникальные настройки развития рынков, деловой вестник и т.д. В любой стране команды будут играть абсолютно в одних и тех же условиях, если в раунде запущен один и тот же сценарий.

Однако для отдельных раундов существующий сценарий может быть немного изменен. Как правило это особо значимые раунды, например международный финал или финальная стадия национального чемпионата (как правило, в Китае или России).

Как это происходит? В начале раунда каждая из команд получает комплект отчетов по истории компании и готовит решение на 1 период. Для конкретного сценария у команд уже есть вариант решения исходя из опыта игры (должен быть). После обработки решений каждая команда получает управленческий отчет и… сюрприз! Ситуация на рынке резко поменялась и вместо роста продаж продуктов, спрос на продукты наоборот упал. Команды остались с нераспроданными товарными остатками и непониманием, что происходит.

Так организаторы запускают альтернативную версию существующего сценария. Распознать ее можно по измененным параметрам управленческого отчета, чаще всего это цена на сырье - она будет отличаться от цены в уже известной версии сценария.

Например, на текущий момент известно 3 версии сценария 17C1. В обычной версии сценария 17C1 стоимость сырья по периодам принимает следующие значения (СПОТ, 3 месяца, 6 месяцев):

  1. 79,567, 75,192, 71,611
  2. 79 336, 75 369, 71 403
  3. 79 345, 75 378, 71 410
  4. 78 498, 75 378, 71 410
  5. 78 498, 75 387, 71 419


В альтернативной версии сценария 17C1(2) стоимость сырья по периодам отличается:

  1. 78 801, 75 648, 70 921
  2. 79 164, 75 205, 71 247
  3. 79 164, 75 205, 71 247
  4. 79 129, 75 172, 71 217
  5. 77 980, 74 862, 70 182


Это подсказка для игроков, что развитие рынка в раунде будет отличаться и нужно быть готовым к разного рода сюрпризам. Данная версия сценария была использована в полуфинале чемпионата России в сезоне 2017: 17C1(2)-RU 2017-5. Фактически это был один из последних раундов перед международным финалом, где протестировали данную версию 17С1(2).

Перед международным финалом в сезоне 2017 альтернативную версию сценария 17С1(2) еще доработали и получилась версия 17С1(3), где стоимость сырья принимает следующие значения:

  1. 78 801, 75 648, 70 921
  2. 80 746, 75 957, 71 958
  3. 80 745, 76 708, 72 670
  4. 79 129, 75 172, 71 217
  5. 79 129, 74 862, 70 182


Как видно из стоимости сырья 1 период остался без изменений, а дальше организаторы что-то докрутили. Примечательно, что команда из России как раз играла в том полуфинале сценарий 17С1(2) и должна была быть готовой к такому повороту событий на международном финале, но не смогла должным образом применить полученные знания и осталась за пределами ТОП-3.

Будьте внимательны и обращайте внимание на подсказки в управленческом отчете.


Сценарий 12C1 (оригинальная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевExchange rateИП
История 143 46839 51735 5650,805 855 000
История 243 46839 51735 5650,815 959 000
История 343 46839 51735 5650,826 191 000
История 443 46839 51735 5650,815 748 000
История 543 46839 51735 5650,825 974 000
Отчет 145 64141 49237 3430,83 
Отчет 245 86841 49238 2310,84 
Отчет 346 04241 43737 3250,85 
Отчет 446 04241 43737 3250,86 
Отчет 546 04241 08437 1450,87 

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 – Forecasts for growth in the EU are based on unrealistic expectationssay some rating agencies. They claim that even the total of privatesector and consumer demand and foreign trade will not be able to drivea recovery.
  2. История 2 – Management are returning to analysing their results to improveprofits. For example they are measuring the response to advertisingbudgets and reinvesting in the responsive media.
  3. История 3 – The US central bank is prepared to take action if the risks posedby the euro zone crisis threaten US recovery.
  4. История 4 – Some hi tech companies are increasing revenues by selling theirproducts to companies making smart phones. By focussing on improvingthe performance and reducing power consumption of their products theyhave doubled sales. Research and development has paid off.
  5. История 5 – The US dollar is forecast to make gains against the Euro asinvestors seek safe havens for their funds. Fears about globalgrowth are reinforcing this trend.
  6. Отчет 1 – Government policies world wide of supporting their own nationalfinancial situation may increase commodity prices by boostinginflation. This may not be the result they intended.
  7. Отчет 2 – The European Central bank's lending of of more than 800 billion eurosto eurozone banks has done little to encourage them to lend tobusinesses.
  8. Отчет 3 – The price of iron ore has surged. It is outperforming oil and copper.The price of iron ore is critical since it feeds into steel andultimately into the price of many consumer products. Whether thiscontinues depends on the demand from countries such as China.
  9. Отчет 4 – Commodity prices are beginning to retreat as concerns about a strongdollar and falling economic confidence begin to loom. The prices ofOil, gold and copper are beginning to slide.
  10. Отчет 5 – Export of expensive Swiss watches have increased. There still seemto be markets for high quality goods.


Сценарий 12C3 (оригинальная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 134 71834 38833 4091,035 420 800
История 232 99232 56732 2561,035 546 800
История 332 88832 48732 0161,025 841 200
История 432 95832 58732 0951,026 133 780
История 532 89632 68432 3201,026 351 527
Отчет 131 25229 41528 1481,01 
Отчет 230 28228 79827 3581,00 
Отчет 329 16427 70526 3201,01 
Отчет 431 00228 76827 3291,02 
Отчет 531 62230 04028 5391,01 

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 – Governments are looking at ways to regulate investment managers. Theyare concerned that the best interest of customers have been ignoredin the past and wish to ensure this situation is corrected.
  2. История 2 – European orders have been flat in past quarters. Production managershave to decide whether to reduce output. Can the marketing teamincrease orders or is this expecting too much?
  3. История 3 – Asian manufacturing grew recently boosted by a growth in exports.This has offset weak domestic demand.
  4. История 4 – Information is critical to the ongoing development of business.Often the management team are so busy dealing with day to daydecisions that they cannot keep abreast of new developments.
  5. История 5 – The International Monetary Fund is concerned that loans givento southern Europe may not be repaid in full. The northenEuropean countries may have to provide the shortfall.
  6. Отчет 1 – Global developments may not always bring growth for all of thenational parties involved. Sometimes a weaker partner carriesthe brunt of cost reductions and this can cause threats oflocal disruption.
  7. Отчет 2 – Mobile phones are transforming the way some rural farmers are doingbusiness. Previously isolated from information on weatherforecasting or the latest market prices they now use theirphones to keep up to date. In some countries farmers account fora reasonable percentage of GDP and therefore this technology iswelcome.
  8. Отчет 3 – Energy forecasters are predicting that because the US will be ableto access vast reserves of gas and oil from shale rock deposits itis set to become the biggest global gas and oil producer. Europe isinterested in this development. It may reduce costs.
  9. Отчет 4 – European Union energy policy has concentrated on the reductionof CO2 emissions. This has led to the need to increase renewablepower capacity. The timescales for the reduction of CO2 are short.Can Europe maintain security of supply and affordability to customersand still meet these targets?
  10. Отчет 5 – Is the future of the global economy one of pessimism? Will the Eurozonecrisis be resolved shortly? Can a reduction in the cost of energy help?


Сценарий 14C1 (оригинальная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 13925232615297481,154686000
История 23508232798297581,154918002
История 33396432505303201,154810806
История 43740234368313291,155112811
История 53722233240309391,165332620
Отчет 13756433545310731,15
Отчет 23770533777312081,14
Отчет 33785635091313251,14
Отчет 43804235124315181,15
Отчет 53823635200320521,15

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - The core economies in Europe are faltering. However other areas areshowing an increase in output. This indicates that while theeurozone as a whole may grow there will be variability withinmarkets.
  2. История 2 - Measuring international aircraft travel is one way of showingthe change in world economics. The fast growing economiesof South-East Asia are expected to require more pilots as theirpopulations become richer and people start travelling more.
  3. История 3 - Attempts to take products up market may lead to a fall off inprofitability if companies do not carry their customers withthem. Existing customers may be alienated at the increase inprices.
  4. История 4 - Academic qualifications are taking a back seat to practical skillswhich can deliver more tangible returns for business. The economicsituation has caused management of businesses to focus on hard skills.
  5. История 5 - Raw material costs have increased in recent years. Prices quoted forthe future may stabilise and not be subject to sudden variation.
  6. Отчет 1 - The IMF has reduced its forecast for the US economy. Severe weatherhad an effect on production levels causing concern for the economy.This resulted in slow employment growth.
  7. Отчет 2 - Debt in the developed world is at a higher level than before thefinancial crisis. this is expected to cause an increase in world.interest rates. Many central banks are holding interest rates down.How long can this last and what will the impact be on globaleconomies if interest rates suddenly rise?
  8. Отчет 3 - Small companies often lead the drive to economic recovery. Usingthe internet to boost sales is one way that these companies canincrease marketing results and reduce costs.
  9. Отчет 4 - Asia has become a source of capital for small hi tech start-upcompanies. Although this market is smaller than silicon Valley itis growing.
  10. Отчет 5 - The IMF has suggested that the eurozone could benefit from increasinginfrastructure spending. The claim is that this policy is mosteffective in low growth high quality infrastructure economiesrunning below their potential.


Сценарий 14C1(RU) (альтернативная русская версия с 4 игровыми периодами, где решение за 1 период принято организаторами)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 13925232615297481,154686000
История 23508232798297581,154918002
История 33396432505303201,154810806
История 43740234368313291,155112811
История 53722233240309391,165332620
Отчет 13756433545310731,154805205
Отчет 23770533777312081,14
Отчет 33785635091313251,14
Отчет 43804235124315181,15
Отчет 53823635200320521,15

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - The core economies in Europe are faltering. However other areas areshowing an increase in output. This indicates that while theeurozone as a whole may grow there will be variability withinmarkets.
  2. История 2 - Measuring international aircraft travel is one way of showingthe change in world economics. The fast growing economiesof South-East Asia are expected to require more pilots as theirpopulations become richer and people start travelling more.
  3. История 3 - Attempts to take products up market may lead to a fall off inprofitability if companies do not carry their customers withthem. Existing customers may be alienated at the increase inprices.
  4. История 4 - Academic qualifications are taking a back seat to practical skillswhich can deliver more tangible returns for business. The economicsituation has caused management of businesses to focus on hard skills.
  5. История 5 - Raw material costs have increased in recent years. Prices quoted forthe future may stabilise and not be subject to sudden variation.
  6. Отчет 1 - Экономическая ситуация в мире стоит на грани кризиса из-за нарастающей угрозы распространения неизвестного вируса, а также сильного падения цен на нефть.Рынки стран Восточной Азии уже столкнулись с колоссальным падением продаж из-за бушующей в регионе эпидемии. Эксперты прогнозируют значительное снижение спроса на традиционных рынках. Потребители все реже посещают магазины и предпочитают совершать покупки в интернете.
  7. Отчет 2 - Debt in the developed world is at a higher level than before thefinancial crisis. this is expected to cause an increase in world.interest rates. Many central banks are holding interest rates down.How long can this last and what will the impact be on globaleconomies if interest rates suddenly rise?
  8. Отчет 3 - Small companies often lead the drive to economic recovery. Usingthe internet to boost sales is one way that these companies canincrease marketing results and reduce costs.
  9. Отчет 4 - Asia has become a source of capital for small hi tech start-upcompanies. Although this market is smaller than silicon Valley itis growing.
  10. Отчет 5 - The IMF has suggested that the eurozone could benefit from increasinginfrastructure spending. The claim is that this policy is mosteffective in low growth high quality infrastructure economiesrunning below their potential.


Сценарий 14C1(RU2) (альтернативная русская версия с 4 игровыми периодами, где решение за 1 период принято организаторами)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 13925232615297481,154686000
История 23508232798297581,154918002
История 33396432505303201,154810806
История 43740234368313291,155112811
История 53722233240309391,165332620
Отчет 13756433545310731,154824315
Отчет 23770533777312081,14
Отчет 33785635091313251,14
Отчет 43804235124315181,15
Отчет 53823635200320521,15

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - The core economies in Europe are faltering. However other areas areshowing an increase in output. This indicates that while theeurozone as a whole may grow there will be variability withinmarkets.
  2. История 2 - Measuring international aircraft travel is one way of showingthe change in world economics. The fast growing economiesof South-East Asia are expected to require more pilots as theirpopulations become richer and people start travelling more.
  3. История 3 - Attempts to take products up market may lead to a fall off inprofitability if companies do not carry their customers withthem. Existing customers may be alienated at the increase inprices.
  4. История 4 - Academic qualifications are taking a back seat to practical skillswhich can deliver more tangible returns for business. The economicsituation has caused management of businesses to focus on hard skills.
  5. История 5 - Raw material costs have increased in recent years. Prices quoted forthe future may stabilise and not be subject to sudden variation.
  6. Отчет 1 - The IMF has reduced its forecast for the US economy. Severe weatherhad an effect on production levels causing concern for the economy.This resulted in slow employment growth.
  7. Отчет 2 - Debt in the developed world is at a higher level than before thefinancial crisis. this is expected to cause an increase in world.interest rates. Many central banks are holding interest rates down.How long can this last and what will the impact be on globaleconomies if interest rates suddenly rise?
  8. Отчет 3 - Small companies often lead the drive to economic recovery. Usingthe internet to boost sales is one way that these companies canincrease marketing results and reduce costs.
  9. Отчет 4 - Asia has become a source of capital for small hi tech start-upcompanies. Although this market is smaller than silicon Valley itis growing.
  10. Отчет 5 - The IMF has suggested that the eurozone could benefit from increasinginfrastructure spending. The claim is that this policy is mosteffective in low growth high quality infrastructure economiesrunning below their potential.


Сценарий 14C3 (оригинальная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 14675646325443641,184533100
История 24792546756463251,184649700
История 34912447925467561,184744025
История 45035249124479251,185001150
История 55161050352491241,185298975
Отчет 15819056735553161,20
Отчет 26400862408608471,22
Отчет 37041068649669321,23
Отчет 45850055574527961,24
Отчет 55770054814520731,25

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - The green policies promoted by the European Union are impactingon energy costs. initially the claim was that these policies wouldhelp to reduce costs. Now the subsidies required are being past onto consumers.
  2. История 2 - There is a recovery in construction in the US. It is hopedthis may will continue into the future. The dollar should risein value if this happens..
  3. История 3 - The International Monetary Fund is suggesting that advancedeconomies should borrow to spend on key infrastructure projects.The say that the Eurozone would benefit most.
  4. История 4 - Moving a brand upmarket without listening to customers can risklosing them. Increasing the quality of material can cause sucha shift possibly leading to loss of sales.
  5. История 5 - The Eurozone continues to struggle. There seems to some optimismthat the peripheral economies are controlling public expenditureand showing some growth. The core countries are still struggling.
  6. Отчет 1 - The global economy has seen some extreme disruptions.Inflation fears have caused governments to suddenly increasetheir interest rates. Exchange rates have also been affected.
  7. Отчет 2 - financial interactions among regions in the global economy arecomplex. Politics and government power struggles can be asinfluential as the economic factors.
  8. Отчет 3 - The absence of essential reforms in some European countries isholding back required developments. The combination of aninefficient public sector and a shortage of private sectorcompanies prevents them competing successfully in EU markets.this can affect company valuations.
  9. Отчет 4 - This is the traditional shopping season around the world.Countries expect to achieve increased sales. However increasedinterest rates can have a bigger impact in some countries thanin others.
  10. Отчет 5 - The US dollar has gained against the Euro. This can be attributedto a growing confidence in the American economy.


Сценарий 15C1 (оригинальная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 14971648935481530,732641800
История 24966149414486620,752809800
История 34975649435488850,793064200
История 44990149258487870,913202200
История 54794645318447810,903339600
Отчет 15636551380498520,89
Отчет 25224050445488620,85
Отчет 34986448410481540,84
Отчет 44911448474480980,85
Отчет 54773847285459380,85

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - Financial problems in the Eurozone have lead to companies dismissingstaff. Many of these skilled staff have set up their own businessesto improve their financial situation.
  2. История 2 - Small businesses can gain advantages over their larger competitorsby giving faster turn round times and improving on existingproducts.
  3. История 3 - Small businesses depend on good teamwork. Team members must havethe skills required to carry out their own function and be ableto understand the functions of the others. Where all of the membersoperate profesionally the results can be well above those of othergroups.
  4. История 4 - Economists have long held the view that investment is the pathto economic growth. Traditionally the investment centred ontangible assets. Now they have broadend this scope to includeresearch and development and employees' skills.
  5. История 5 - Excellence in leadership combined with good customer service andfinancial expertise are essential if a business wishes to achieveexpansion and increase market share.
  6. Отчет 1 - Financial forecasts seem to predict a period of economic doldrums.Steady interest rates are predicted because of fear of turbulencein the international markets.
  7. Отчет 2 - Crude oil prices are predicted to stay low. Low demand and oversupply are the culprits. This may be welcome for some countriesbut it suggests financial problems for others.
  8. Отчет 3 - Strong currencies create interesting discussions in the countriesaffected. Some welcome the result as a mark of success while otherspredict a loss of competitiveness in export markets..
  9. Отчет 4 - Retailers are wary of a post festive season slump. Retailers ofelectronic equipment are especially worried about facing a bleakquarter.
  10. Отчет 5 - Emerging economies are vulnerable to any world wide financial slowdown.They may not have the flexibility to fend off such a downturn.


Сценарий 15C1(2) (альтернативная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 14971648935481530,732641800
История 24966149414486620,752809800
История 34975649435488850,793064200
История 44990149258487870,913202200
История 54794645318447810,903339600
Отчет 15636551380498520,91
Отчет 25643351553498730,92
Отчет 35548951053499400,95
Отчет 45526750786490970,97
Отчет 55503650364488760,99

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - Financial problems in the Eurozone have lead to companies dismissingstaff. Many of these skilled staff have set up their own businessesto improve their financial situation.
  2. История 2 - Small businesses can gain advantages over their larger competitorsby giving faster turn round times and improving on existingproducts.
  3. История 3 - Small businesses depend on good teamwork. Team members must havethe skills required to carry out their own function and be ableto understand the functions of the others. Where all of the membersoperate profesionally the results can be well above those of othergroups.
  4. История 4 - Economists have long held the view that investment is the pathto economic growth. Traditionally the investment centred ontangible assets. Now they have broadend this scope to includeresearch and development and employees' skills.
  5. История 5 - Excellence in leadership combined with good customer service andfinancial expertise are essential if a business wishes to achieveexpansion and increase market share.
  6. Отчет 1 - Financial forecasts seem to predict a period of economic doldrums. Steady interest rates are predicted because of fear of turbulence in the international markets.
  7. Отчет 2 - Economists are beginning to question whether stagnation in world markets will continue or whether the funds that have been saved by wary investors will now become available to reflate markets.
  8. Отчет 3 - Financial experts are presenting conflicting views of the global economy. Some are full of gloom and doom. Others think that this phase is past and that steady improvement is on the way.
  9. Отчет 4 - Politicians are concerned that the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing. The wealth of the rich keeps increasing while the wealth of the poor remains constant.
  10. Отчет 5 - Employees with high skills are becoming a global comodity. Higher education is expensive and countries cannot afford to lose their trained people.


Сценарий 15C1(3) (альтернативная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 14971648935481530,732641800
История 24966149414486620,752809800
История 34975649435488850,793064200
История 44990149258487870,913202200
История 54794645318447810,903339600
Отчет 15636551380498520,91
Отчет 25643351553498730,92
Отчет 35718851753501110,93
Отчет 45613350943490970,94
Отчет 55602350789488760,94

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - Financial problems in the Eurozone have lead to companies dismissingstaff. Many of these skilled staff have set up their own businessesto improve their financial situation.
  2. История 2 - Small businesses can gain advantages over their larger competitorsby giving faster turn round times and improving on existingproducts.
  3. История 3 - Small businesses depend on good teamwork. Team members must havethe skills required to carry out their own function and be ableto understand the functions of the others. Where all of the membersoperate profesionally the results can be well above those of othergroups.
  4. История 4 - Economists have long held the view that investment is the pathto economic growth. Traditionally the investment centred ontangible assets. Now they have broadend this scope to includeresearch and development and employees' skills.
  5. История 5 - Excellence in leadership combined with good customer service andfinancial expertise are essential if a business wishes to achieveexpansion and increase market share.
  6. Отчет 1 - Financial forecasts seem to predict a period of economic doldrums.Steady interest rates are predicted because of fear of turbulencein the international markets.
  7. Отчет 2 - Economists are beginning to question whether stagnation in worldmarkets will continue or whether the funds that have been savedby wary investors will now become available to reflate markets.
  8. Отчет 3 - Exports in the Eurozone are showing signs of improving.This is probably caused by the combination of the weak Eurowith cheap oil and quantitative easing.
  9. Отчет 4 - Investors are being warned that they must learn to handle businesscycles in the market place. They have to build resilience intotheir decisions ahead of future downturns.
  10. Отчет 5 - Climate change is being blamed for the increase in severe weatherconditions. If this is true companies will have to spend more onprotecting the physical assets of their businesses.


Сценарий 15C1(4) (альтернативная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 14971648935481530,732641800
История 24966149414486620,752809800
История 34975649435488850,793064200
История 44990149258487870,913202200
История 54794645318447810,903339600
Отчет 15636551380498520,89
Отчет 25495550095486050,92
Отчет 35354648811473590,94
Отчет 45213847526461130,95
Отчет 5n/an/an/an/a

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - Financial problems in the Eurozone have lead to companies dismissingstaff. Many of these skilled staff have set up their own businessesto improve their financial situation.
  2. История 2 - Small businesses can gain advantages over their larger competitorsby giving faster turn round times and improving on existingproducts.
  3. История 3 - Small businesses depend on good teamwork. Team members must havethe skills required to carry out their own function and be ableto understand the functions of the others. Where all of the membersoperate profesionally the results can be well above those of othergroups.
  4. История 4 - Economists have long held the view that investment is the pathto economic growth. Traditionally the investment centred ontangible assets. Now they have broadend this scope to includeresearch and development and employees' skills.
  5. История 5 - Excellence in leadership combined with good customer service andfinancial expertise are essential if a business wishes to achieveexpansion and increase market share.
  6. Отчет 1 - slowdown in the Chinese economy has impacted on the global economy.Sales of goods have dropped and investment is slowing down.
  7. Отчет 2 - Cyber attacks on businesses are on the increase. These attacks arecostly to the businesses that are successfully attacked. The cost ofrecovery is compounded by the loss of customer confidence and lossof sales
  8. Отчет 3 - Economists have been looking at the impact of tax havens onbusiness development. One view is that this hidden wealth couldhave been used to create innovation in the businesses concerned.
  9. Отчет 4 - There is hope that the Eurozone may be about to have a cyclicalupswing. The weak Euro together with cheap oil and quantitativeeasing are predicted to produce a surge in manufacturing.
  10. Отчет 5 - n/a


Сценарий 15C1(5) (альтернативная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 14971648935481530,732641800
История 24966149414486620,752809800
История 34975649435488850,793064200
История 44990149258487870,913202200
История 54794645318447810,903339600
Отчет 15636551380498520,89
Отчет 25495550095486050,92
Отчет 35354648811473590,94
Отчет 45213847526461130,95
Отчет 55070846242448660,95

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - Financial problems in the Eurozone have lead to companies dismissingstaff. Many of these skilled staff have set up their own businessesto improve their financial situation.
  2. История 2 - Small businesses can gain advantages over their larger competitorsby giving faster turn round times and improving on existingproducts.
  3. История 3 - Small businesses depend on good teamwork. Team members must havethe skills required to carry out their own function and be ableto understand the functions of the others. Where all of the membersoperate profesionally the results can be well above those of othergroups.
  4. История 4 - Economists have long held the view that investment is the pathto economic growth. Traditionally the investment centred ontangible assets. Now they have broadend this scope to includeresearch and development and employees' skills.
  5. История 5 - Excellence in leadership combined with good customer service andfinancial expertise are essential if a business wishes to achieveexpansion and increase market share.
  6. Отчет 1 - Financial forecasts seem to predict a period of economic doldrums.Steady interest rates are predicted because of fear of turbulencein the international markets.
  7. Отчет 2 - Crude oil prices are predicted to stay low. Low demand and oversupply are the culprits. This may be welcome for some countriesbut it suggests financial problems for others.
  8. Отчет 3 - Strong currencies create interesting discussions in the countriesaffected. Some welcome the result as a mark of success while otherspredict a loss of competitiveness in export markets..
  9. Отчет 4 - Retailers are wary of a post festive season slump. Retailers ofelectronic equipment are especially worried about facing a bleakquarter.
  10. Отчет 5 - Emerging economies are vulnerable to any world wide financial slowdown.They may not have the flexibility to fend off such a downturn.


Сценарий 15C1(RU) (альтернативная русская версия с 4 игровыми периодами, где решение за 1 период принято организаторами)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 14971648935481530,732641800
История 24966149414486620,752809800
История 34975649435488850,793064200
История 44990149258487870,913202200
История 54794645318447810,903339600
Отчет 15636551380498520,893234642
Отчет 25224050445488620,85
Отчет 34986448410481540,84
Отчет 44911448474480980,85
Отчет 54773847285459380,85

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - Financial problems in the Eurozone have lead to companies dismissingstaff. Many of these skilled staff have set up their own businessesto improve their financial situation.
  2. История 2 - Small businesses can gain advantages over their larger competitorsby giving faster turn round times and improving on existingproducts.
  3. История 3 - Small businesses depend on good teamwork. Team members must havethe skills required to carry out their own function and be ableto understand the functions of the others. Where all of the membersoperate profesionally the results can be well above those of othergroups.
  4. История 4 - Economists have long held the view that investment is the pathto economic growth. Traditionally the investment centred ontangible assets. Now they have broadend this scope to includeresearch and development and employees' skills.
  5. История 5 - Excellence in leadership combined with good customer service andfinancial expertise are essential if a business wishes to achieveexpansion and increase market share.
  6. Отчет 1 - Financial forecasts seem to predict a period of economic doldrums.Steady interest rates are predicted because of fear of turbulencein the international markets.
  7. Отчет 2 - Crude oil prices are predicted to stay low. Low demand and oversupply are the culprits. This may be welcome for some countriesbut it suggests financial problems for others.
  8. Отчет 3 - Strong currencies create interesting discussions in the countriesaffected. Some welcome the result as a mark of success while otherspredict a loss of competitiveness in export markets..
  9. Отчет 4 - Retailers are wary of a post festive season slump. Retailers ofelectronic equipment are especially worried about facing a bleakquarter.
  10. Отчет 5 - Emerging economies are vulnerable to any world wide financial slowdown.They may not have the flexibility to fend off such a downturn.


Сценарий 15C1(RU2) (альтернативная русская версия с 4 игровыми периодами, где решение за 1 период принято организаторами)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 14971648935481530,732641800
История 24966149414486620,752809800
История 34975649435488850,793064200
История 44990149258487870,913202200
История 54794645318447810,903339600
Отчет 15636551380498520,893325800
Отчет 25224050445488620,85
Отчет 34986448410481540,84
Отчет 44911448474480980,85
Отчет 54773847285459380,85

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - Financial problems in the Eurozone have lead to companies dismissingstaff. Many of these skilled staff have set up their own businessesto improve their financial situation.
  2. История 2 - Small businesses can gain advantages over their larger competitorsby giving faster turn round times and improving on existingproducts.
  3. История 3 - Small businesses depend on good teamwork. Team members must havethe skills required to carry out their own function and be ableto understand the functions of the others. Where all of the membersoperate profesionally the results can be well above those of othergroups.
  4. История 4 - Economists have long held the view that investment is the pathto economic growth. Traditionally the investment centred ontangible assets. Now they have broadend this scope to includeresearch and development and employees' skills.
  5. История 5 - Excellence in leadership combined with good customer service andfinancial expertise are essential if a business wishes to achieveexpansion and increase market share.
  6. Отчет 1 - Financial forecasts seem to predict a period of economic doldrums.Steady interest rates are predicted because of fear of turbulencein the international markets.
  7. Отчет 2 - Crude oil prices are predicted to stay low. Low demand and oversupply are the culprits. This may be welcome for some countriesbut it suggests financial problems for others.
  8. Отчет 3 - Strong currencies create interesting discussions in the countriesaffected. Some welcome the result as a mark of success while otherspredict a loss of competitiveness in export markets..
  9. Отчет 4 - Retailers are wary of a post festive season slump. Retailers ofelectronic equipment are especially worried about facing a bleakquarter.
  10. Отчет 5 - Emerging economies are vulnerable to any world wide financial slowdown.They may not have the flexibility to fend off such a downturn.


Сценарий 16C1 (оригинальная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 17457473402722290,733652400
История 27449174121729930,753898000
История 37463474152733270,794116400
История 47485173887731800,914198800
История 57191967977671710,904320400
Отчет 18454777070747780,89
Отчет 27836075667732930,88
Отчет 37479672615722310,87
Отчет 47367172711721470,88
Отчет 57160770927689070,89

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - Financial forecasters are pessimistic about the global outlook.Governments are changing fiscal policies to increase confidence.
  2. История 2 - European Union policy makers are being asked to make innovativechanges in investment and infrastructure to boost flagging economies.
  3. История 3 - Ongoing years of near recession have turned consumers into bargainhunters. Manufacturers need lean business models to survive in thisenvironment.
  4. История 4 - Competitive opposition has forced businesses to reduce margins tosurvive. These may continue to fall as competitors reduce prices.Only committed managements with shareholders confidence will thrive.
  5. История 5 - Upgrading the quality of goods to offset the advances of the oppositionhas become good management strategy.
  6. Отчет 1 - Companies are making more use of the internet to promote theirbusiness. This increases the threat of cybercrime taking place.The use of smart-phones and tablets also enhances these threats.
  7. Отчет 2 - The US Dollar has increased in value and should reduce U.S. exports.American companies may be starting to feel the effect of the strongerdollar on the US economy.
  8. Отчет 3 - Lean production reduced wastage related to both materials and humanresources and is likely to become used by more manufacturers.Savings made will be enhanced by the use of renewable energy.This will reduce the costs of manufacturing enabling companiesmake long-term savings.
  9. Отчет 4 - Unemployment rates are variable across the European Union. Spain hasa rate more than three times that of Germany while France and Italyhave a rate about twice that of Germany. Youth unemployment is muchhigher. Economic policy does not seem to have much impact on thissituation
  10. Отчет 5 - Changing demographics could impact on the finances of richcountries according to academic research. Interest rates may slowlyrise as middle aged savers retire and start to spend their savings.


Сценарий 16C1(2) (альтернативная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 17457473402722290,733652400
История 27449174121729930,753898000
История 37463474152733270,794116400
История 47485173887731800,914198800
История 57191967977671710,904320400
Отчет 18454777070747780,89
Отчет 27836075667732930,88
Отчет 37479672615722310,87
Отчет 47367172711721470,88
Отчет 57160770927689070,89

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - Financial forecasters are pessimistic about the global outlook.Governments are changing fiscal policies to increase confidence.
  2. История 2 - European Union policy makers are being asked to make innovativechanges in investment and infrastructure to boost flagging economies.
  3. История 3 - Ongoing years of near recession have turned consumers into bargainhunters. Manufacturers need lean business models to survive in thisenvironment.
  4. История 4 - Competitive opposition has forced businesses to reduce margins tosurvive. These may continue to fall as competitors reduce prices.Only committed managements with shareholders confidence will thrive.
  5. История 5 - Upgrading the quality of goods to offset the advances of the oppositionhas become good management strategy.
  6. Отчет 1 - Companies are making more use of the internet to promote theirbusiness. This increases the threat of cybercrime taking place.the use of smart-phones and tablets also enhances these threats.
  7. Отчет 2 - European governments are being urged to increase infrastructurespending to help with economic recovery. The International MonetaryFund is asking them to be more supportive of growth.
  8. Отчет 3 - Internal energy costs have become a central focus in Europe. The USAmade a success of fracking and this reduced their energy costs andincreased security of supply. Europe is struggling to match thissuccess. Fracking is not popular but neither is nuclear energy and windturbines require a base load supply system.
  9. Отчет 4 - Shortage of skilled engineers is predicted to hold back the economiesof some European counties. Emerging countries are boosting theircapabilities by training the skilled engineers the will need tosustain their expansion.
  10. Отчет 5 - Asian companies are beginning to overtake Apple in the mobilephone market. Competition is fierce where technology and priceattract users.


Сценарий 16C1(RU) (альтернативная русская версия с 4 игровыми периодами, где решение за 1 период принято организаторами)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 17457473402722290,733652400
История 27449174121729930,753898000
История 37463474152733270,794116400
История 47485173887731800,914198800
История 57191967977671710,904320400
Отчет 18454777070747780,893534800
Отчет 27836075667732930,88
Отчет 37479672615722310,87
Отчет 47367172711721470,88
Отчет 57160770927689070,89

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - Financial forecasters are pessimistic about the global outlook.Governments are changing fiscal policies to increase confidence.
  2. История 2 - European Union policy makers are being asked to make innovativechanges in investment and infrastructure to boost flagging economies.
  3. История 3 - Ongoing years of near recession have turned consumers into bargainhunters. Manufacturers need lean business models to survive in thisenvironment.
  4. История 4 - Competitive opposition has forced businesses to reduce margins tosurvive. These may continue to fall as competitors reduce prices.Only committed managements with shareholders confidence will thrive.
  5. История 5 - Upgrading the quality of goods to offset the advances of the oppositionhas become good management strategy.
  6. Отчет 1 - Companies are making more use of the internet to promote theirbusiness. This increases the threat of cybercrime taking place.the use of smart-phones and tablets also enhances these threats.
  7. Отчет 2 - European governments are being urged to increase infrastructurespending to help with economic recovery. The International MonetaryFund is asking them to be more supportive of growth.
  8. Отчет 3 - Internal energy costs have become a central focus in Europe. The USAmade a success of fracking and this reduced their energy costs andincreased security of supply. Europe is struggling to match thissuccess. Fracking is not popular but neither is nuclear energy and windturbines require a base load supply system.
  9. Отчет 4 - Shortage of skilled engineers is predicted to hold back the economiesof some European counties. Emerging countries are boosting theircapabilities by training the skilled engineers the will need tosustain their expansion.
  10. Отчет 5 - Asian companies are beginning to overtake Apple in the mobilephone market. Competition is fierce where technology and priceattract users.


Сценарий 16C1(RU2) (альтернативная русская версия с 4 игровыми периодами, где решение за 1 период принято организаторами)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 17457473402722290,733652400
История 27449174121729930,753898000
История 37463474152733270,794116400
История 47485173887731800,914198800
История 57191967977671710,904320400
Отчет 18454777070747780,893340710
Отчет 27836075667732930,88
Отчет 37479672615722310,87
Отчет 47367172711721470,88
Отчет 57160770927689070,89

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - Financial forecasters are pessimistic about the global outlook.Governments are changing fiscal policies to increase confidence.
  2. История 2 - European Union policy makers are being asked to make innovativechanges in investment and infrastructure to boost flagging economies.
  3. История 3 - Ongoing years of near recession have turned consumers into bargainhunters. Manufacturers need lean business models to survive in thisenvironment.
  4. История 4 - Competitive opposition has forced businesses to reduce margins tosurvive. These may continue to fall as competitors reduce prices.Only committed managements with shareholders confidence will thrive.
  5. История 5 - Upgrading the quality of goods to offset the advances of the oppositionhas become good management strategy.
  6. Отчет 1 - Companies are making more use of the internet to promote theirbusiness. This increases the threat of cybercrime taking place.the use of smart-phones and tablets also enhances these threats.
  7. Отчет 2 - European governments are being urged to increase infrastructurespending to help with economic recovery. The International MonetaryFund is asking them to be more supportive of growth.
  8. Отчет 3 - Internal energy costs have become a central focus in Europe. The USAmade a success of fracking and this reduced their energy costs andincreased security of supply. Europe is struggling to match thissuccess. Fracking is not popular but neither is nuclear energy and windturbines require a base load supply system.
  9. Отчет 4 - Shortage of skilled engineers is predicted to hold back the economiesof some European counties. Emerging countries are boosting theircapabilities by training the skilled engineers the will need tosustain their expansion.
  10. Отчет 5 - Asian companies are beginning to overtake Apple in the mobilephone market. Competition is fierce where technology and priceattract users.


Сценарий 16C1(RU3) (альтернативная русская версия с 4 игровыми периодами, где решение за 1 период принято организаторами)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 17457473402722290,733652400
История 27449174121729930,753898000
История 37463474152733270,794116400
История 47485173887731800,914198800
История 57191967977671710,904320400
Отчет 18454777070747780,894090330
Отчет 27836075667732930,88
Отчет 37479672615722310,87
Отчет 47367172711721470,88
Отчет 57160770927689070,89

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - Financial forecasters are pessimistic about the global outlook.Governments are changing fiscal policies to increase confidence.
  2. История 2 - European Union policy makers are being asked to make innovativechanges in investment and infrastructure to boost flagging economies.
  3. История 3 - Ongoing years of near recession have turned consumers into bargainhunters. Manufacturers need lean business models to survive in thisenvironment.
  4. История 4 - Competitive opposition has forced businesses to reduce margins tosurvive. These may continue to fall as competitors reduce prices.Only committed managements with shareholders confidence will thrive.
  5. История 5 - Upgrading the quality of goods to offset the advances of the oppositionhas become good management strategy.
  6. Отчет 1 - Companies are making more use of the internet to promote theirbusiness. This increases the threat of cybercrime taking place.the use of smart-phones and tablets also enhances these threats.
  7. Отчет 2 - European governments are being urged to increase infrastructurespending to help with economic recovery. The International MonetaryFund is asking them to be more supportive of growth.
  8. Отчет 3 - Internal energy costs have become a central focus in Europe. The USAmade a success of fracking and this reduced their energy costs andincreased security of supply. Europe is struggling to match thissuccess. Fracking is not popular but neither is nuclear energy and windturbines require a base load supply system.
  9. Отчет 4 - Shortage of skilled engineers is predicted to hold back the economiesof some European counties. Emerging countries are boosting theircapabilities by training the skilled engineers the will need tosustain their expansion.
  10. Отчет 5 - Asian companies are beginning to overtake Apple in the mobilephone market. Competition is fierce where technology and priceattract users.


Сценарий 16C1(RU4) (альтернативная русская версия с 4 игровыми периодами, где решение за 1 период принято организаторами)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 17457473402722290,733652400
История 27449174121729930,753898000
История 37463474152733270,794116400
История 47485173887731800,914198800
История 57191967977671710,904320400
Отчет 18454777070747780,894052680
Отчет 27836075667732930,88
Отчет 37479672615722310,87
Отчет 47367172711721470,88
Отчет 57160770927689070,89

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - Financial forecasters are pessimistic about the global outlook.Governments are changing fiscal policies to increase confidence.
  2. История 2 - European Union policy makers are being asked to make innovativechanges in investment and infrastructure to boost flagging economies.
  3. История 3 - Ongoing years of near recession have turned consumers into bargainhunters. Manufacturers need lean business models to survive in thisenvironment.
  4. История 4 - Competitive opposition has forced businesses to reduce margins tosurvive. These may continue to fall as competitors reduce prices.Only committed managements with shareholders confidence will thrive.
  5. История 5 - Upgrading the quality of goods to offset the advances of the oppositionhas become good management strategy.
  6. Отчет 1 - Companies are making more use of the internet to promote theirbusiness. This increases the threat of cybercrime taking place.the use of smart-phones and tablets also enhances these threats.
  7. Отчет 2 - European governments are being urged to increase infrastructurespending to help with economic recovery. The International MonetaryFund is asking them to be more supportive of growth.
  8. Отчет 3 - Internal energy costs have become a central focus in Europe. The USAmade a success of fracking and this reduced their energy costs andincreased security of supply. Europe is struggling to match thissuccess. Fracking is not popular but neither is nuclear energy and windturbines require a base load supply system.
  9. Отчет 4 - Shortage of skilled engineers is predicted to hold back the economiesof some European counties. Emerging countries are boosting theircapabilities by training the skilled engineers the will need tosustain their expansion.
  10. Отчет 5 - Asian companies are beginning to overtake Apple in the mobilephone market. Competition is fierce where technology and priceattract users.


Сценарий 16C1(RU5) (альтернативная русская версия с 4 игровыми периодами, где решение за 1 период принято организаторами)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 17457473402722290,733652400
История 27449174121729930,753898000
История 37463474152733270,794116400
История 47485173887731800,914198800
История 57191967977671710,904320400
Отчет 18454777070747780,894035590
Отчет 27836075667732930,88
Отчет 37479672615722310,87
Отчет 47367172711721470,88
Отчет 57160770927689070,89

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - Financial forecasters are pessimistic about the global outlook.Governments are changing fiscal policies to increase confidence.
  2. История 2 - European Union policy makers are being asked to make innovativechanges in investment and infrastructure to boost flagging economies.
  3. История 3 - Ongoing years of near recession have turned consumers into bargainhunters. Manufacturers need lean business models to survive in thisenvironment.
  4. История 4 - Competitive opposition has forced businesses to reduce margins tosurvive. These may continue to fall as competitors reduce prices.Only committed managements with shareholders confidence will thrive.
  5. История 5 - Upgrading the quality of goods to offset the advances of the oppositionhas become good management strategy.
  6. Отчет 1 - Companies are making more use of the internet to promote theirbusiness. This increases the threat of cybercrime taking place.the use of smart-phones and tablets also enhances these threats.
  7. Отчет 2 - European governments are being urged to increase infrastructurespending to help with economic recovery. The International MonetaryFund is asking them to be more supportive of growth.
  8. Отчет 3 - Internal energy costs have become a central focus in Europe. The USAmade a success of fracking and this reduced their energy costs andincreased security of supply. Europe is struggling to match thissuccess. Fracking is not popular but neither is nuclear energy and windturbines require a base load supply system.
  9. Отчет 4 - Shortage of skilled engineers is predicted to hold back the economiesof some European counties. Emerging countries are boosting theircapabilities by training the skilled engineers the will need tosustain their expansion.
  10. Отчет 5 - Asian companies are beginning to overtake Apple in the mobilephone market. Competition is fierce where technology and priceattract users.


Сценарий 17C1 (оригинальная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 17956775192716110,833636400
История 27933675369714030,823838800
История 37934575378714100,834064000
История 47849875378714100,843978400
История 57849875387714190,834174800
Отчет 17956775192716110,83
Отчет 27933675369714030,82
Отчет 37934575378714100,83
Отчет 47849875378714100,84
Отчет 57849875387714190,83

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - The European economy is starting to improve. Unemploymenthas dropped. However many jobs are part time or temporary.
  2. История 2 - Growing levels of investment in Europe are signs that managementof companies are regaining confidence. Manufacturing firms arespending on items such as renewable energy. There is confidencethat there will be positive returns on projects.
  3. История 3 - The European Union thinks that it is too risky to increase interestrates. Inflation is increasing but past experience has shown thatif interest rates are increased too soon this can slow down thethe economy.
  4. История 4 - The use of fossil fuels is under threat from social acceptabilitytrends. Companies in this sector are facing a growing resistancefrom users. Regulators and investors are showing concern thatthe companies may end up with unusable assets in future.
  5. История 5 - Cyber security attacks have increased and are causing serious concerns.Public and private companies are being attacked and these cause bothsocial and economic disturbances and high costs.
  6. Отчет 1 - The International Monetory Fund is optimistic thatthe global economy has turned a corner, They thinkthat growth is broad based with not only the eurozonepicking up but the global economy as well,00
  7. Отчет 2 - US shale developments are likely to have a long term impacton energy provision,American exports are reducing prices ofoil and gas globally, This is having political as well aseconomic effects,00
  8. Отчет 3 - Sales are beginning to tighten up as previous forecasts looktoo optimistic, Companies are hoping that the improvementsthey made in reducing costs and targetting marketingwill now prove worthwhile,00
  9. Отчет 4 - Concerns are being expressed that money tightening both inthe US an Europe will create a financial crisis, Indicatorsof such a crisis are already showing in Asia and North America,000
  10. Отчет 5 - Competition among companies increases efficiency, Investmentin training and new machines give organisations an edge overcompetitors,000


Сценарий 17C1(2) (альтернативная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 17956775192716110,833636400
История 27933675369714030,823838800
История 37934575378714100,834064000
История 47849875378714100,843978400
История 57849875387714190,834174800
Отчет 17880175648709210,84
Отчет 27916475205712470,82
Отчет 37916475205712470,81
Отчет 47912975172712170,82
Отчет 57798074862701820,83

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - The European economy is starting to improve. Unemploymenthas dropped. However many jobs are part time or temporary.
  2. История 2 - Growing levels of investment in Europe are signs that managementof companies are regaining confidence. Manufacturing firms arespending on items such as renewable energy. There is confidencethat there will be positive returns on projects.
  3. История 3 - The European Union thinks that it is too risky to increase interestrates. Inflation is increasing but past experience has shown thatif interest rates are increased too soon this can slow down thethe economy.
  4. История 4 - The use of fossil fuels is under threat from social acceptabilitytrends. Companies in this sector are facing a growing resistancefrom users. Regulators and investors are showing concern thatthe companies may end up with unusable assets in future.
  5. История 5 - Cyber security attacks have increased and are causing serious concerns.Public and private companies are being attacked and these cause bothsocial and economic disturbances and high costs.
  6. Отчет 1 - Economists are searching economic data for signs about trendsin the global economy. Will the trend be static? Will there be anincrease or a decline? Often the data is used to reinforce previouslyheld convictions.
  7. Отчет 2 - The threat of global warming has produced many proponents of greenenergy. No more oil or gas or coal. They ignore the problems oftransition to a low carbon economy and also the fact that thereis a growing global population that still has no access to safereliable and affordable energy. Any solution will require thecooperation of governments and consumers and businesses.
  8. Отчет 3 - Customers are beginning to evaluate the cost of products againsttheir gain in value. When the economy seems becalmed the routinereplacement or acquistion of a new product may result in a negativedecision. How can a company encourage a more positive result?
  9. Отчет 4 - A recent report has stated that companies have a large number ofemployees working in areas different from the area in whichthey trained. Companies put too little effort into trainingworkers in the right skills.
  10. Отчет 5 - The US economy is picking up and the Federal Reserve is thinkingof increasing base interest rates. Europe is still trying tocatch up.


Сценарий 17C1(3) (альтернативная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 17956775192716110,833636400
История 27933675369714030,823838800
История 37934575378714100,834064000
История 47849875378714100,843978400
История 57849875387714190,834174800
Отчет 17880175648709210,80
Отчет 28074675957719580,83
Отчет 38074576708726700,83
Отчет 47912975172712170,85
Отчет 57912974862701820,85

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - The European economy is starting to improve. Unemploymenthas dropped. However many jobs are part time or temporary.
  2. История 2 - Growing levels of investment in Europe are signs that managementof companies are regaining confidence. Manufacturing firms arespending on items such as renewable energy. There is confidencethat there will be positive returns on projects.
  3. История 3 - The European Union thinks that it is too risky to increase interestrates. Inflation is increasing but past experience has shown thatif interest rates are increased too soon this can slow down thethe economy.
  4. История 4 - The use of fossil fuels is under threat from social acceptabilitytrends. Companies in this sector are facing a growing resistancefrom users. Regulators and investors are showing concern thatthe companies may end up with unusable assets in future.
  5. История 5 - Cyber security attacks have increased and are causing serious concerns.Public and private companies are being attacked and these cause bothsocial and economic disturbances and high costs.
  6. Отчет 1 - European small businesses have over the long term provided goodreturns for investors. There are risks but assessment of themanagement potential of a company can help reduce these..
  7. Отчет 2 - Companies that have good products enable them to take marketshare from competitors. Analysts use growth of share pricetogether with revenue and dividends to identify these companies.
  8. Отчет 3 - Emerging markets are showing signs of sales potential. Increasesin US interest rates which could strenghthen the dollar mayimpact on thes developments.
  9. Отчет 4 - Chip security is causing concern to companies. Exposure to newthreats with unknown protection is making them nervous.
  10. Отчет 5 - Management is about taking care of possible downsides as wellas looking for potential gains. Decisions on higher returnsalso carry higher risks.


Сценарий 17C1(4) (альтернативная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 17956775192716110,833636400
История 27933675369714030,823838800
История 37934575378714100,834064000
История 47849875378714100,843978400
История 57849875387714190,834174800
Отчет 17880175648709210,75
Отчет 28074675957719580,73
Отчет 38074576708726700,71
Отчет 47912975172712170,70
Отчет 5n/an/an/an/a

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - The European economy is starting to improve. Unemploymenthas dropped. However many jobs are part time or temporary.
  2. История 2 - Growing levels of investment in Europe are signs that managementof companies are regaining confidence. Manufacturing firms arespending on items such as renewable energy. There is confidencethat there will be positive returns on projects.
  3. История 3 - The European Union thinks that it is too risky to increase interestrates. Inflation is increasing but past experience has shown thatif interest rates are increased too soon this can slow down thethe economy.
  4. История 4 - The use of fossil fuels is under threat from social acceptabilitytrends. Companies in this sector are facing a growing resistancefrom users. Regulators and investors are showing concern thatthe companies may end up with unusable assets in future.
  5. История 5 - Cyber security attacks have increased and are causing serious concerns.Public and private companies are being attacked and these cause bothsocial and economic disturbances and high costs.
  6. Отчет 1 - European economies are at last showing signs of growth. Europeanbanks have been slow to implement cost cutting procedures butare now improving their operating costs and lowering provisionfor bad debt.
  7. Отчет 2 - Seasonal cheer has arrived for some business. Those with highproductivity and high quality goods are doing well..
  8. Отчет 3 - First quarter blues are being felt by some companies who failedto gain advantage from the previous quarters sales. They will nowneed to catch up with their better organised competitors.
  9. Отчет 4 - Developments in Asia can have an impact on the US and Europe.Economic data suggeste that there may be a slowing of activity there.Of course the US and Europe are also influenced by other factors.
  10. Отчет 5 - n/a


Сценарий 17C1(5) (альтернативная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 17956775192716110,833636400
История 27933675369714030,823838800
История 37934575378714100,834064000
История 47849875378714100,843978400
История 57849875387714190,834174800
Отчет 17956775192716110,83
Отчет 27933675369714030,82
Отчет 37934575378714100,83
Отчет 47849875378714100,84
Отчет 5n/an/an/an/a

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - The European economy is starting to improve. Unemploymenthas dropped. However many jobs are part time or temporary.
  2. История 2 - Growing levels of investment in Europe are signs that managementof companies are regaining confidence. Manufacturing firms arespending on items such as renewable energy. There is confidencethat there will be positive returns on projects.
  3. История 3 - The European Union thinks that it is too risky to increase interestrates. Inflation is increasing but past experience has shown thatif interest rates are increased too soon this can slow down thethe economy.
  4. История 4 - The use of fossil fuels is under threat from social acceptabilitytrends. Companies in this sector are facing a growing resistancefrom users. Regulators and investors are showing concern thatthe companies may end up with unusable assets in future.
  5. История 5 - Cyber security attacks have increased and are causing serious concerns.Public and private companies are being attacked and these cause bothsocial and economic disturbances and high costs.
  6. Отчет 1 - Steady as you go. Economists are quite happy with balanced growth oreven little growth without volatility.
  7. Отчет 2 - Economists are not expecting a recession merely a period of subduedeconomic growth.
  8. Отчет 3 - A normal seasonal trend of sales does not please retailers who arelooking to satisfy shareholders and their management board.
  9. Отчет 4 - The global economy is stable. Retailers are encouraging theirgovernments to increase sales by using quantitative easing to boostgrowth.
  10. Отчет 5 - n/a


Сценарий 17C1(6) (альтернативная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 17956775192716110,833636400
История 27933675369714030,823838800
История 37934575378714100,834064000
История 47849875378714100,843978400
История 57849875387714190,834174800
Отчет 17880175648709210,84
Отчет 28074675957719580,80
Отчет 38074576708726700,78
Отчет 47912975172712170,76
Отчет 57912974862701820,77

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - The European economy is starting to improve. Unemploymenthas dropped. However many jobs are part time or temporary.
  2. История 2 - Growing levels of investment in Europe are signs that managementof companies are regaining confidence. Manufacturing firms arespending on items such as renewable energy. There is confidencethat there will be positive returns on projects.
  3. История 3 - The European Union thinks that it is too risky to increase interestrates. Inflation is increasing but past experience has shown thatif interest rates are increased too soon this can slow down thethe economy.
  4. История 4 - The use of fossil fuels is under threat from social acceptabilitytrends. Companies in this sector are facing a growing resistancefrom users. Regulators and investors are showing concern thatthe companies may end up with unusable assets in future.
  5. История 5 - Cyber security attacks have increased and are causing serious concerns.Public and private companies are being attacked and these cause bothsocial and economic disturbances and high costs.
  6. Отчет 1 - Economists are searching economic data for signs about trendsin the global economy. Will the trend be static? Will there be anincrease or a decline? Often the data is used to reinforce previouslyheld convictions.
  7. Отчет 2 - Economists are debating whether there may be a surge in inflation.While there are signs of pressure easing in some areas that affectprices caution is advised.
  8. Отчет 3 - The US intends to open global discusions on their policy offair trade. The IMF is concerned this will impact oninternational trade.
  9. Отчет 4 - Companies should realise that a rise in wages without a commensuraterise in productivity will cause them to face increased pressure toraise prices pushing up inflation.
  10. Отчет 5 - Production companies often do not realise that creative industriesmake a significant contribution to national economies. TV and Filmscan contribute to the economy. Many countries give tax relief andsponsorship to encourage their development.


Сценарий 17C1(RU) (альтернативная русская версия с 4 игровыми периодами, где решение за 1 период принято организаторами)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 17956775192716110,833636400
История 27933675369714030,823838800
История 37934575378714100,834064000
История 47849875378714100,843978400
История 57849875387714190,834174800
Отчет 17956775192716110,833177563
Отчет 27933675369714030,82
Отчет 37934575378714100,83
Отчет 47849875378714100,84
Отчет 57849875387714190,83

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - The European economy is starting to improve. Unemploymenthas dropped. However many jobs are part time or temporary.
  2. История 2 - Growing levels of investment in Europe are signs that managementof companies are regaining confidence. Manufacturing firms arespending on items such as renewable energy. There is confidencethat there will be positive returns on projects.
  3. История 3 - The European Union thinks that it is too risky to increase interestrates. Inflation is increasing but past experience has shown thatif interest rates are increased too soon this can slow down thethe economy.
  4. История 4 - The use of fossil fuels is under threat from social acceptabilitytrends. Companies in this sector are facing a growing resistancefrom users. Regulators and investors are showing concern thatthe companies may end up with unusable assets in future.
  5. История 5 - Cyber security attacks have increased and are causing serious concerns.Public and private companies are being attacked and these cause bothsocial and economic disturbances and high costs.
  6. Отчет 1 - The International Monetory Fund is optimistic thatthe global economy has turned a corner. They thinkthat growth is broad based with not only the eurozonepicking up but the global economy as well.
  7. Отчет 2 - US shale developments are likely to have a long term impacton energy provision.American exports are reducing prices ofoil and gas globally. This is having political as well aseconomic effects.
  8. Отчет 3 - Sales are beginning to tighten up as previous forecasts looktoo optimistic. Companies are hoping that the improvementsthey made in reducing costs and targetting marketingwill now prove worthwhile.
  9. Отчет 4 - Concerns are being expressed that money tightening both inthe US an Europe will create a financial crisis. Indicatorsof such a crisis are already showing in Asia and North America.
  10. Отчет 5 - Competition among companies increases efficiency. Investmentin training and new machines give organisations an edge overcompetitors.


Сценарий 17C1(RU2) (альтернативная русская версия с 4 игровыми периодами, где решение за 1 период принято организаторами)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 17956775192716110,833636400
История 27933675369714030,823838800
История 37934575378714100,834064000
История 47849875378714100,843978400
История 57849875387714190,834174800
Отчет 17956775192716110,833126803
Отчет 27933675369714030,82
Отчет 37934575378714100,83
Отчет 47849875378714100,84
Отчет 57849875387714190,83

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - The European economy is starting to improve. Unemploymenthas dropped. However many jobs are part time or temporary.
  2. История 2 - Growing levels of investment in Europe are signs that managementof companies are regaining confidence. Manufacturing firms arespending on items such as renewable energy. There is confidencethat there will be positive returns on projects.
  3. История 3 - The European Union thinks that it is too risky to increase interestrates. Inflation is increasing but past experience has shown thatif interest rates are increased too soon this can slow down thethe economy.
  4. История 4 - The use of fossil fuels is under threat from social acceptabilitytrends. Companies in this sector are facing a growing resistancefrom users. Regulators and investors are showing concern thatthe companies may end up with unusable assets in future.
  5. История 5 - Cyber security attacks have increased and are causing serious concerns.Public and private companies are being attacked and these cause bothsocial and economic disturbances and high costs.
  6. Отчет 1 - The International Monetory Fund is optimistic thatthe global economy has turned a corner. They thinkthat growth is broad based with not only the eurozonepicking up but the global economy as well.
  7. Отчет 2 - US shale developments are likely to have a long term impacton energy provision.American exports are reducing prices ofoil and gas globally. This is having political as well aseconomic effects.
  8. Отчет 3 - Sales are beginning to tighten up as previous forecasts looktoo optimistic. Companies are hoping that the improvementsthey made in reducing costs and targetting marketingwill now prove worthwhile.
  9. Отчет 4 - Concerns are being expressed that money tightening both inthe US an Europe will create a financial crisis. Indicatorsof such a crisis are already showing in Asia and North America.
  10. Отчет 5 - Competition among companies increases efficiency. Investmentin training and new machines give organisations an edge overcompetitors.


Сценарий 18C1 (оригинальная версия)

#СПОТ3 месяца6 месяцевКурс обменаИП
История 17653375684709210,863718400
История 27654975781719580,864028400
История 37654975796724980,864039600
История 47698175927710050,854129600
История 57695175618696580,854059200
Отчет 17694575618696820,86
Отчет 27887975319715530,85
Отчет 37887975319715530,84
Отчет 47887975319715530,83
Отчет 57694775700710260,83

Деловой вестник

  1. История 1 - Criminals are laundering vast amounts of money in spite ofattempts by regulators to stop them. There is apparentlyno regulator with sufficient overview or understanding ofthe issues to be succesful in prevention.
  2. История 2 - It looks as if interest rates will be on hold for the time being.Central Bankers are being cautious.
  3. История 3 - The European Banks are sensitive to the ongoing stress in markets.They have reduced their growth forecasts and are helpingmarkets with financial support.
  4. История 4 - EU production firms are worried that trade wars may be created bythe US. They fear that any increase in tarifs on their productsbeing sold in the US will reduce their sales there.
  5. История 5 - Most of the succesful businesses at the moment are run by youngentrepreneurs. Some are being hindered by beaurocratic regulations.When will governments reduce this burden?
  6. Отчет 1 - The EU is beginning to open up the European provision of railwaystock to competition. Tendering processes will be introduced next year.Private companies can then compete with state backed organisations.
  7. Отчет 2 - Financial reports are boosting confidence in Europe. They suggestincreased income and steady capital ratios.
  8. Отчет 3 - The US is funding companies that can analyse large amounts of data.Politicians in particular are keen to use an analytical approach foronline marketing strategies.
  9. Отчет 4 - Air pollution is beginning to become as big a political discussionpoint as global warming. The visible signs and damage to healthare forcing governments to take action.
  10. Отчет 5 - Medium sized companies are becoming confident that the future isbright. They are faster at adopting new technology and intend touse it to create more wealth.